We are keen to have talented, enthusiastic researchers join us.
Contact Ellis to discuss which option is right for you.

Postdoctoral Researchers
Funded positions will be advertised when available. Researchers who wish to apply for independent funding should contact Ellis well in advance of deadlines and assistance with applications will be provided for outstanding candidates.
Postgraduate Researchers
There are a range of opportunities available for students to study for both PhD and MRes degrees.
Funded positions will be advertised when available.
Students who are funded through University schemes, such as Doctoral Training Partnerships may be able to work with the O'Neill group
Students who wish to apply for independent funding should contact Ellis well in advance of deadlines for assistance with applications.
Students who are able to fund their own studies will be considered.

Final Year and Summer Internships
Projects for final-year and summer research are available. Please contact Ellis early to discuss project details and to secure any necessary funding.
We are always open to collaborate at all levels and to host visiting workers. Contact Ellis to discuss opportunities.